The 9th annual running of the Motol mile – a run in white coats around the Motol Hospital grounds – will take place after the conclusion of the Scientific conference, from 17.00 on 23. 4. 2015.
What do you need? A white coat, comfortable shoes and a good mood.
There are special categories for men and women (who will run separately). The results are also divided into under-35 and over-35 categories.
You can also register as a team. Teams must have three members and be made up of registered competitors, at least one of whom must be a woman. Teams won’t run separately, but the final run times of the individual team members are added together after the race. Obviously, the team with the fastest overall time wins.
The event is intended for students, teachers, doctors, physiotherapists, nurses, faculty employees and any other attendee of the Scientific Conference.
You can find entry forms on the 2nd Medical Faculty website, here.
You can also enter at the start of the race itself, but no later than 16.30.
Come and run, fight for a medal with teachers and students, and stretch your stiff muscles after the winter.
We’re looking forward to lots of students and teachers taking part.
On behalf of the organisational team,
Klára Kučerová